L’offerta di lavoro è scaduta!

L'offerta di lavoro è scaduta

Più posti di lavoro in Regno Unito

Regno Unito, WiganRegno Unito, Wigan

Italian Language teacher-ID:1037206

Regno UnitoRegno Unito

Online Italian Tutor - No Experience Needed; Flexible Schedule

Regno Unito, DurhamRegno Unito, Durham

Career Development Fellow in Italian Studies

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Teach from home as an Online Italian Tutor - Part Time & Flexible Schedule

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Trainee Broker - Spanish / Italian Speaking - ICAP Euro Gas

Regno UnitoRegno Unito

SAP HR Payroll Consultant (Italian) - REMOTE

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Investor Engagement Consultant | Italian speaking

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Investor Relations Associate | Italian speaking

Italian Language teacher-ID:1028607
Regno UnitoRegno Unito

Italian Language teacher-ID:1028607

Data di pubblicazione 29.01.2025

Language Trainers is a successful language training company working with freelance teachers of 70 different languages in hundreds of towns and cities across the world. Students are either in-company or self-funded who need to learn a language at their office or their home for work, family or travel reasons. Founded in 2004, the company's motto is Any Language, Anytime, Anywhere!

Reference number: 1028607

We might have a job for you as an Italian teacher.
  • One of our clients in Wollongong would like to have a five-to-one 30-hours General Italian tuition.
  • The client wishes to have 1 x 2-hour lesson per week. Every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
  • Location: at the Wollongong Library in Burelli St., they are situated in Lake Heights NSW 2502
  • Client's current Italian level: Beginners
  • Motivation: "We're all cousins with Italian grandparents. They have taught us some, but it has mainly been dialect, and we would like to learn it more fluently. We have had previous classes as well when we were younger, but unfortunately nothing stuck, and we would like to do it together this time."
  • Student's age group: 25-34
  • Start date: as soon as possible

Ideal teacher should:
  • Be a native Serbian speaker of the language OR hold a teaching degree
  • Have experience as a language teacher, translator or interpreter
  • Have a valid working visa
  • Live up to 20 miles from the client's location.

Location of the classes and schedule could be flexible based on your and the client's availability. The hourly rate is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. This is a freelance part-time position and we are not able to sponsor your visa.

Please only apply if you meet the above conditions.

If you would like to join our growing team of language teachers, please submit your CV with references and tell us how soon you can start.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Ci impegniamo ad acquisire informazioni affidabili su ogni lavoro. Segnala se abbiamo sbagliato qualcosa o se hai riscontrato un problema tecnico.

Più posti di lavoro in Regno Unito

Regno Unito, WiganRegno Unito, Wigan

Italian Language teacher-ID:1037206

Regno UnitoRegno Unito

Online Italian Tutor - No Experience Needed; Flexible Schedule

Regno Unito, DurhamRegno Unito, Durham

Career Development Fellow in Italian Studies

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Teach from home as an Online Italian Tutor - Part Time & Flexible Schedule

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Trainee Broker - Spanish / Italian Speaking - ICAP Euro Gas

Regno UnitoRegno Unito

SAP HR Payroll Consultant (Italian) - REMOTE

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Investor Engagement Consultant | Italian speaking

Regno Unito, LondraRegno Unito, Londra

Investor Relations Associate | Italian speaking

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